
Solar Panel Costs: Is It Worth It?

Thinking about taking the solar plunge but wondering about the price tag? When it comes to transitioning to renewable energy, one of the most common items homeowners grapple with is solar panel costs and if the investment is worth it. 

We get it; diving into the world of solar panels can be a bit confusing at first, especially when needing to determine if installing solar panels will be the right investment for you and your property. So let’s break it down.


Getting Started with Solar

  1. Equipment Costs 
    1. The solar panels themselves are the primary cost. Just like there are different kinds of apples, there are different types of solar panels – monocrystalline, polycrystalline, or thin-film- and the type you choose can affect the price.
  2. Installation and Labor
    1. Hiring professionals for a safe and efficient installation is crucial if you want it done right. Depending on where you live and what your roof’s like, labor costs can vary based on location, roof type, and the scale of the installation.
  3. Permits and Inspection
    1. Depending on your region, sometimes local rules require permits or inspections. We’ll guide you through this process and obtain any permits or system inspections required. 


Savings & Perks

  1. Lower Electric Bills
    1. One of the most significant benefits of solar panels is the dramatic reduction in monthly electric bills. Over time, those savings add up and help offset the initial solar panel costs.
  2. Tax Incentives and Rebates
    1. Many places give you a pat on the back via tax credits and/or rebates for homeowners who install solar panels.
  3. Selling Power
    1. In some places, if you make more energy than you need, you can sell it back and earn extra income. Cha-ching! 🤑
  4. Increased Home Value
    1. Homes equipped with solar panels often see an increase in property value.


Thinking Long-Term

  1. Keeping ’em Clean 
    1. Solar panels are pretty low-maintenance, but they do like an occasional cleaning. You should also add potential component replacements into your long-term solar budget.
  2. Efficiency Over Time
    1. These panels are in it for the long haul, often lasting over 25 years. They do get a tad less efficient each year (losing about 0.5% of their efficiency each year), but with proper solar panel maintenance, they could last even longer. 


So, Is It Worth It?

When evaluating the cost of solar panels, it’s crucial to view them as a long-term investment rather than a one-time purchase. While the upfront costs can be significant, the cumulative savings on electricity bills, coupled with potential earnings from net metering and increased home value, often make solar panels a worthy investment.

Flo Energy offers several solar panel payment options that can fit almost any budget. When you consider all of the benefits it becomes clear: for many, solar panels are not just worth the investment; they’re a step towards a brighter, greener future.

Solar Panels 101: Understanding the Basics and Benefits

Solar energy is quickly becoming one of the most discussed topics in the realm of sustainable living, and for good reason. With the increased demand for renewable energy, many homeowners and businesses are turning their attention to solar panels. If you’re new to the world of solar energy, this guide will help you understand the basics and benefits of solar panels.


How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels work by capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity. They’re composed of many smaller units called solar cells, which are usually made from silicon. When sunlight hits these cells, it causes electrons to move, generating an electric current.


Types of Solar Panels


  • Monocrystalline panels: Recognized by their uniform, dark look and rounded edges. They are high in efficiency and cost.
  • Polycrystalline panels: Appear with a blueish hue and have a somewhat less uniform appearance. They’re generally less expensive but also slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels.
  • Thin-film panels: These are flexible and can be used in a variety of applications but are less efficient than crystalline-based panels.


Benefits of Solar Panels


  • Reduced Electricity Bills: Once installed, solar panels can significantly reduce your monthly electricity bill, with some homeowners even achieving net-zero energy costs.
  • Environmental Impact: Solar panels produce clean, green energy, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and cutting down carbon footprints.
  • Increases Property Value: Homes equipped with solar panel systems have been found to increase in value and sell faster than non-solar homes.
  • Low Maintenance: Once installed, solar panels require minimal maintenance. An occasional cleaning and routine inspection are usually enough to keep them in top shape.
  • Energy Independence: By generating your own electricity, you reduce reliance on utility companies and protect yourself from rising energy costs.


Solar panels are not just a trend; they represent a move towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. Whether you’re looking to save money, reduce your environmental impact, or both, solar panels offer an effective and promising solution. As the technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, there’s no better time to consider integrating solar energy into your life.

Solar Panel Maintenance: Tips and Tricks for Florida Homeowners

Sun-drenched beaches, palm trees swaying in the breeze, and year-round warmth. While this sunny disposition makes Florida a popular tourist destination, it also makes it a hotspot (literally) for solar energy. If you’re a proud homeowner with solar panels, solar panel maintenance should be a top priority. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure your solar panels work optimally in the Floridian climate.


Regular Cleaning is Key

Florida’s climate can lead to the accumulation of dust, pollen, bird droppings, and even salt mist from the ocean. A simple rinse with a garden hose every couple of months can wash away the debris. For stubborn dirt, use soapy water and a soft brush, ensuring you rinse thoroughly afterwards.


Inspect for Damage

After Florida’s summer storms or hurricane season, it’s a good idea to check your panels for any damage. Look for cracks, loose connections, or anything that seems out of place. If you find damage, contact your solar provider for guidance.


Monitor Shade Patterns

Trees grow and buildings get erected, potentially causing new shade patterns. Periodically check if any new shadows are falling on your panels, especially during peak sunlight hours. Trim any overhanging branches that might be blocking sunlight.


Ensure Tilt and Positioning

In Florida, the optimal tilt angle for fixed solar panels is around 25 degrees. If your panels are adjustable, ensure they’re set to this angle for maximum energy absorption. If you’re unsure, consult with your solar installer.


Check Inverters

The inverter, which converts direct current (DC) from your panels to alternating current (AC) for your home, should show a green light. If it’s not, it means your panels aren’t converting sunlight, and you should contact your provider.


Look Out for Corrosion

Florida’s coastal areas can be a challenge for solar panels due to salt mist. Regularly inspect mounting structures and the panels themselves for any signs of corrosion or rust, especially if you live near the coast.


Schedule Professional Inspections

While DIY solar panel maintenance can handle most of the basics, it’s advisable to schedule a professional inspection annually. A trained eye can spot potential issues and ensure your system runs efficiently.


Update Monitoring Software

Many solar systems come with monitoring software to track energy production. Ensure this software is regularly updated so you can keep an eye on your system’s performance and address any anomalies.


Solar panels are a fantastic investment, especially in sunny Florida. However, as with any investment, care and maintaining your solar panels is paramount to ensure optimal performance. By following these tips and tricks, Florida homeowners can enjoy a sunny disposition both outside and when looking at their energy bills!

Affordable Solar Panel Payment Options for your Shift to Solar

The sun rises every day, offering a plethora of energy just waiting to be harnessed. Solar panels provide an opportunity to tap into this immense power and convert it into electricity for our homes. However, one of the major deterrents for many homeowners considering solar panels is the initial cost. The Flo Energy team understands this concern. That’s why we’re proud to present affordable solar panel payment options tailored to suit your financial needs. 

Alongside typical financing, our company is proud to offer two incredible, budget-friendly solar panel financing options: 

  1. Plan A offers zero payments for the first six months 
  2. Plan B offers a $15/month payment plan for the first 18 months


Go Solar for $0 for the First Six Months

Imagine the sun working for you without you having to pay a penny for it – for half a year! 

Our 6-month no payment option allows you to get your solar panels installed and start reaping the benefits without any initial financial strain. This means you can begin saving on electricity costs immediately without feeling the pinch on your wallet. 

It’s an excellent option for those who might be anticipating funds in the near future or are simply looking for a grace period before starting their payments.


Go Solar for only $15/month for 18 Months

We’ve done the math, and for less than what you’d spend on a few cups of coffee every week, you can significantly reduce or even eliminate your electric bill. 

Our $15-a-month option spreads the cost of the solar installation over 18 months. This plan is tailored for those who’d prefer manageable, small payments over a short-medium term period. 

With energy costs continually on the rise, there’s never been a more opportune time to consider solar. Our $15-a-month plan offers a straightforward path towards sustainability and savings.


The Bright Side of Solar Financing

It’s essential to keep in mind that while interest rates might be high across the board, it’s the value and quality of the product and service you’re getting that matters. Solar panels not only add value to your home, but they also reduce your carbon footprint, provide consistent savings over time, and, in many cases, offer tax incentives.

Moreover, as a trusted solar panel provider, we are committed to ensuring that the process is as smooth and beneficial for our customers as possible. Our dedicated team is always available to help guide you through the financial options, ensuring you find the right fit for your situation.

Solar energy is more than just a trend. It’s the future. With Flo’s attractive and affordable solar panel payment options, you don’t have to wait any longer to be a part of this sustainable shift. Say goodbye to soaring electric bills and hello to a brighter, eco-friendly tomorrow.


Discover the right payment plan for your Go Solar journey.

Get in touch with us today.

Is Florida’s Weather Too Extreme for Solar Panels?

Solar energy has gained tremendous popularity as a clean and sustainable source of power. With its abundant sunshine, Florida seems like an ideal location for harnessing solar energy. However, some concerns have been raised regarding the state’s weather conditions. So let’s discuss it! We’re diving deep into whether Florida’s weather is too extreme for solar panels and the overall suitability of solar energy in this region.


Abundant Sunshine:

Florida is known as the Sunshine State for a reason. It receives an average of 260 sunny days per year, making it one of the best regions for solar energy production. The ample sunlight allows solar panels to generate substantial electricity and provides a significant advantage for solar installations.


Hurricane and Wind Concerns:

One of the primary worries about Florida’s weather is the frequency of hurricanes and strong winds. While it’s true that the state is prone to tropical storms and hurricanes, modern solar panel systems are designed and built to withstand such conditions. Manufacturers adhere to stringent standards to ensure the durability of solar panels against wind speeds that are typical during severe weather events. Proper installation techniques, including secure mounting and appropriate anchoring, further enhance the resilience of solar panels.


Thunderstorms and Cloud Coverage:

Florida experiences frequent thunderstorms and occasional heavy cloud coverage, which can reduce the efficiency of solar panels. However, even under cloudy conditions, solar panels can still produce electricity, albeit at a slightly reduced rate. Advances in solar technology have improved the performance of panels in low light conditions, allowing them to generate power even on overcast days. Additionally, the intermittent nature of clouds and thunderstorms means that there are still ample hours of sunlight available for solar panels to operate efficiently.


Net Metering and Grid Integration:

Florida has favorable policies for solar energy, including net metering. Net metering allows solar panel owners to sell excess electricity back to the grid, effectively reducing or eliminating their energy bills. This incentive encourages homeowners and businesses to invest in solar panels and helps offset any fluctuations in energy production caused by extreme weather conditions.


Temperature and Heat Challenges:

Florida’s warm and humid climate can lead to higher operating temperatures for solar panels. While excessive heat can slightly reduce the efficiency of solar panels, modern designs and materials are better equipped to handle such conditions. Proper installation techniques, including providing adequate airflow and spacing between panels, can mitigate the impact of temperature on the performance of solar systems.


While Florida’s weather may present some challenges for solar panel installations, it does not render them unsuitable or ineffective. The state’s abundant sunshine, favorable policies, and advances in solar technology counterbalance concerns related to hurricanes, thunderstorms, and temperature. Modern solar panels are designed to withstand severe weather events, and advancements have made them more efficient in producing electricity even under cloudy conditions. When combined with the benefits of net metering, solar energy remains a viable and environmentally friendly option for Floridians.

As with any significant investment, it’s crucial to work with experienced solar installers, like the Flo Energy team, who are knowledgeable about the unique weather conditions in Florida. By taking into account local factors and utilizing appropriate installation techniques, solar panel systems can thrive and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future in the Sunshine State.

From Sunlight to Savings: Why Your Community Should Go Solar

As a sustainable and renewable source of power, solar energy presents an opportunity to transform your community’s energy landscape while contributing to a cleaner and brighter future. Today we’d love to explore the advantages of going solar and highlight how it can benefit your community in the short term, as well as for generations to come.


Clean Energy for a Sustainable Future
  • Environmentally Friendly: Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, helping combat climate change.
  • Improved Air Quality: By switching to solar, your community can significantly reduce air pollution and improve the overall health and well-being of its residents.
  • Local Environmental Impact: Solar energy systems produce electricity without noise, harmful emissions, or resource depletion, ensuring a minimal impact on your community’s local environment.


Financial Benefits That Shine
  • Lower Energy Bills: Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, leading to substantial savings on monthly energy bills for homeowners, businesses, and even local government facilities.
  • Increased Property Value: Installing solar panels can boost property values, making homes more attractive to potential buyers and improving the overall real estate market in your community.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Solar systems have a strong ROI, with most installations paying for themselves within a few years and offering long-term energy cost savings.


Empowering Your Community
  • Energy Independence: By going solar, your community can reduce its reliance on external energy sources, creating a more resilient and self-sustaining energy system.
  • Job Creation: Solar energy installations require skilled professionals for design, installation, and maintenance, providing local employment opportunities and fostering economic growth.
  • Educational Opportunities: Embracing solar energy opens doors to educational programs, enabling schools and community organizations to teach and inspire future generations about sustainable practices.


Embracing solar energy is a transformative step for both you and your community, with benefits that extend far beyond the immediate present. By transitioning to solar power, you contribute to a sustainable future, promote a healthier environment, and save money on energy bills. Furthermore, adopting solar energy empowers your community by creating local jobs, increasing property values, and providing educational opportunities for residents of all ages. 

Together, we can harness the power of the sun and illuminate a brighter, more prosperous future for our community. Make the switch to solar today and join us in shaping a sustainable and resilient energy landscape for generations to come.

Why Flo Energy Tops the Solar Game in Florida

If you’ve been contemplating your switch to clean, renewable power, we’re here to help. We are Flo Energy, an award-winning solar company headquartered in Florida, that’s been racking up 5-star reviews and installing high-quality solar panels throughout the Greater Tampa Bay area.


What sets Flo Energy apart from the competition? 

Aside from being named a 2022 Top Solar Company by, our team at Flo is dedicated to delivering a solar experience like no other. From the moment you land on our website, our team of experts takes the time to understand your unique energy needs and designs customized solar solutions that fit your lifestyle and budget. And let’s not forget our impeccable customer service – Flo Energy is known for our friendly and knowledgeable staff who are always ready to answer your questions and provide ongoing support. With Flo Energy, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands every step of the way towards embracing a greener future.


When it comes to solar power, customer experience matters.

Our team boasts years of expertise in the field, making us an industry name you can trust because of our deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that come with harnessing solar energy in Florida. When you work with Flo, you can rest assured that you’re in the hands of experts who know how to maximize the potential of solar power for your specific needs.


Your journey to Go Solar with Flo Energy includes:

  • Award-winning Team 
    • Flo Energy has been collecting more awards and 5-star reviews faster than you can say “renewable revolution.” It’s true! Our team’s commitment to top-notch service has cemented Flo Energy as a top choice for solar panel solutions in the Greater Tampa Bay Area.
  • Personalized services
    • One of the standout features of Flo is our commitment to personalized service. We understand that every home and business has different energy requirements, and their tailored solutions reflect that. our dedicated team takes the time to understand your goals, assess your energy needs, and design a solar system that fits your budget and lifestyle. From the initial consultation to the final installation, we provide a seamless and hassle-free experience, ensuring that you’re completely satisfied with your solar journey.
  • World-class Panel Quality 
    • We work with trusted manufacturers and use cutting-edge technology to deliver top-of-the-line solar products. Our solar panels are built to withstand Florida’s challenging weather conditions, including intense heat, hurricanes, and heavy rainfall. You’re not only investing in reliable and efficient solar solutions but also in the durability and longevity of your system.
  • Competitive Pricing & No Upfront Costs
    • It’s no secret that going solar can have a significant positive impact on your wallet. We understand this and strive to make solar power accessible to all. That’s why we offer competitive pricing options and work closely with you to explore available incentives, tax credits, and financing options. By partnering with us, you’ll not only reduce your carbon footprint but also enjoy long-term energy savings that can make a real difference for your finances.
  • Prioritized Customer Experience 
    • A top-tier customer journey to Go Solar is the driving force behind what we do here at Flo Energy. We take pride in our exceptional customer service and go above and beyond to ensure clients are delighted with their solar experience. From the moment an interested customer reaches out to years down the line, our dedicated support team is always there to answer your questions and address any concerns. With Flo, you become part of a solar family that values your satisfaction and strives to exceed your expectations.


If you’re considering solar power in Florida, reach out and let’s chat about how we can help you start saving money on your utility bills. Take the leap towards a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future by choosing Flo Energy as your solar partner. 


Get in touch with us today and let the sun shine on your energy journey!

Embracing Solar Energy in Florida

Are you a new or current homeowner in the Sunshine State? Welcome! Our team at Flo Energy is thrilled to share the opportunities that solar panel installation is bringing to Florida homeowners and those on their homebuying journey.

From smart solar savings, to energy independence, and increased property value, the benefits of solar power are undeniable. Even so, we often find our customers wondering about the potential challenges of going solar. So our team is shedding light on the main challenges and how Flo Energy is combating them one solar-powered Florida home at a time.  

Common problems associated with solar energy:

  • Cost of installation
    • When you factor in the federal and state tax incentives and rebates, immediate utility bill savings, and the potential to sell excess power generated back to the grid, the cost of going solar is not much higher than traditional energy sources. At Flo, we also don’t ask for any upfront costs to help you keep more money in your pocket. 
  • Availability of sunlight
    • Here in the Sunshine State, we’re no stranger to cloudy days. But fret not! Energy storage solutions, like advanced batteries, can be seamlessly integrated into your solar system, ensuring a reliable power supply even during cloudy or nighttime periods. So you can kiss those worries about intermittent sunshine goodbye!
  • Energy Efficiency
    •  Solar panel technology has come a long way thanks to remarkable advancements. Today’s solar panels are more efficient, durable, and affordable than ever before so owners can tap into the boundless energy of the sun without breaking the bank.


Now that we’ve shared insight on common solar myths, let’s talk about the many

benefits of going solar as a Florida homeowner:

  • Cost Savings + Rebates 
    • Once your solar panels are up and running, you’ll notice a substantial reduction in your energy bills and receive various solar tax incentives. Imagine the joy of watching those numbers dwindle while enjoying guilt-free air conditioning during the hot Florida summers.
  • Energy Independence 
    • Solar energy provides you with freedom from the grid and utility companies. By reducing your dependence on non-renewable energy sources, you become the captain of your own power ship. No longer will you have to worry about blackouts or escalating energy prices. Solar energy can be your trustworthy companion during natural disasters or other emergencies, providing you with a reliable source of power when you need it most.
  • Home Appreciation 
    • Installing solar panels on your home can actually increase its value. Potential buyers are increasingly seeking environmentally friendly and energy-efficient homes. By investing in solar, you not only enjoy the immediate benefits but also make your property more desirable in the real estate market. It’s a win-win situation!
  • Environmentally Friendly 
    • Let’s not forget about the environmental benefits of going solar. As conscientious Floridians, we understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and preserving our beautiful state for future generations. Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power that produces zero greenhouse gas emissions. By embracing solar, you become a superhero fighting climate change, one sunbeam at a time.

If you’re on board to go solar, but the thought of navigating policies and permits overwhelms you… the good news is teams like ours will handle every aspect of the process ourselves, ensuring a seamless solar journey. Government policies and regulations are also becoming increasingly supportive, offering tax incentives and subsidies to make solar energy more accessible and affordable for homeowners like yourself.

By going solar, you join a growing movement towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. So, let’s embrace the power of the sun and create a brighter future for ourselves and future generations. Happy house hunting, and may your new home be bathed in the warm glow of solar energy!


Get My Free Quote to Go Solar

Solar Power Installation – Navigating State Legislation, Regulatory Decisions, and Implementation Policies

The solar industry continues to flourish –growing more than 10,000% over the past ten years, according to Forbes– but navigating the complex legislation and policies still remains daunting for many customers who are interested in solar power installation. At Flo Energy, we aim to fully educate our customers to ensure they understand the key differences between these aspects and shed light on their impact on the solar industry’s growth and development.

State legislation plays a crucial role in shaping the solar industry. States have the authority to enact laws that incentivize and promote renewable energy, including solar power. These legislative measures may include the establishment of renewable portfolio standards (RPS), which mandate a certain percentage of a state’s energy to come from renewable sources.

In Florida, state legislation has played a crucial role in promoting solar energy. The state enacted the Florida Solar Rights Act which prevents homeowner associations from prohibiting solar installations on residential properties. As a result, Florida has seen a significant increase in solar installations. In fact, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Florida ranks third in the nation for cumulative solar capacity installed.

Additionally, different states may provide tax credits, grants, or rebates to encourage individuals and businesses to adopt solar energy systems. Forbes recently published an article highlighting tax credits by state. According to the article, “you can qualify for the [Investment Tax Credit] for the tax year that you installed your solar panels as long as the system generates electricity for a home in the United States.”

Regulatory decisions made by public utility commissions or similar bodies aim to balance the interests of consumers, utility companies, and the solar industry. These decisions often involve setting net metering policies, feed-in tariffs, or interconnection standards.

  • Net metering allows solar system owners to receive credit for the excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid, offsetting their energy bills.
  • Feed-in tariffs, on the other hand, guarantee a fixed rate for solar energy producers who feed electricity into the grid.
  • Interconnection standards ensure a smooth process for connecting solar systems to the utility grid.

Like many other states, the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) has implemented net metering policies, allowing solar system owners to offset their energy bills and maximize the financial benefits of their solar investments.

And lastly, implementation policies translate state legislation and regulatory decisions into action. They involve the practical aspects of solar energy deployment, such as permitting, zoning, and interconnection procedures. Streamlining these processes can significantly reduce the time and costs associated with installing solar systems.

Florida has implemented standardized permitting requirements, which have significantly reduced the time and costs associated with installing solar systems. The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) reports that the average time for residential solar permitting in Florida decreased from 25 days in 2016 to just 3 days in 2021, making solar installations faster and more affordable for consumers.

Implementing clear and efficient policies can help remove barriers and
facilitate the widespread adoption of solar energy.

Our Flo Energy consultants know that understanding the differences between state legislation, regulatory decisions, and implementation policies is crucial for navigating the dynamic solar industry. By advocating for supportive legislation, balanced regulatory decisions, and streamlined implementation policies, we can drive the growth of solar energy and create a sustainable future for all.

If you’d like to speak with one of our Flo Energy consultants, please contact us at so we can answer any questions you may have.

So you set an Energy Consultation with Flo, What Now?

Congrats! You’ve taken the first step to go green, and not only that, you’re going to save money doing it! So you’ve set an appointment for an Energy Consultation with Flo Energy, what now?

A Solar Energy Consultation generally takes 30 minutes to an hour. To make that time productive, it’s important for us to have accurate information regarding your home and energy consumption so we can make an accurate proposal tailored specifically to you. For that reason, we ask for a picture of your power bill or your monthly kilowatt usage so we can determine the number of panels needed to produce the amount of power you consume!

If you already provided your power consumption data, you are good to go.

If not, you can do so here

Some other ways you can aid in your Energy Consultation running smoothly are:

  • Confirm your appointment. Respond to your Flo Energy Consultant’s confirmation text to help him optimize his schedule so he can give you his undivided attention.
  • Invite your spouse. If you are married, or share these decisions with another member of your household, make sure they are present as well! Having your spouse present allows them to learn, ask questions, and feel just as confident in Flo as we know you will be.
  • Clear a table. Your Energy Consultant will have a clean presentation prepared for you. Having a table cleared will allow him to show you the numbers and teach you about the program, free of distractions.

We are thrilled to be a catalyst in your journey to go solar. See you soon!

Pros & Cons: Buying vs Leasing

You know you want to go solar, but aren’t sure if you should lease, finance through a loan, or pay for it outright. Well, there’s no “right” answer to this. The fact of the matter is, there are ways for almost anyone to reap the benefits of going solar, and each option depends on your situation, needs, and goals. Let’s break it down:

Financing Option Upfront Cost Monthly Cost Savings Over 20 Years
Lease $$$ $
Loan $$ $$$
Cash $$$$ $$$$
Solar Lease/PPA (Power Purchase Agreement)

A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (SPPA) is a financial arrangement in which a third-party developer owns, operates, and maintains the photovoltaic (PV) system, and a host customer agrees to site the system on its property and purchases the system’s electric output from the solar services provider for a predetermined period.

  • $0 down
  • You can typically expect 10-20 percent savings over utility bill costs with a solar lease or PPA.
  • More qualifying options if you cannot qualify for a solar loan.
  • You do not own the solar equipment on your property.
  • If you sign a solar lease or solar PPA, the tax credits and other financial incentives belong to the owner of the system (not you).
  • You agree to purchase the power generated by the system at a set price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) (i.e. $0.15 per kWh) instead of paying a fixed amount per month. Because solar panels typically produce more electricity during the summer than during the winter, most people with a PPA have higher solar bills in the summer during the summer months. Although it does typically even out on average in your yearly average.
  • If you move you do not re-coupe your expenses.
Solar Loan

With a solar loan the homeowner borrows money from a lender, either a bank or a solar company, and then pay it back with interests through monthly installments. Solar loans help homeowners go solar for $0 down while financing the whole system.

  • $0 down
  • You can typically expect 15-30 percent savings over utility bill costs with a solar loan.
  • The homeowner owns the solar system fully by the end of the loan’s term when fully paid off.
  • Lock in your monthly payment so you know exactly how much you owe each month.
  • Low interest rates
  • Loan is transferable
  • The interest rate affects the total cost of the loan over its lifetime.
  • It can be difficult to qualify if you don’t have adequate credit or taxable income.

Paying for your solar system in cash is exactly what it sounds like, you own your system outright, day one.

  • Own your solar system day one.
  • No interest, lowering your total system cost.
  • No monthly payments.
  • Large upfront costs that could be invested elsewhere with how low interest rates are for loans.
What You Need to Know About Federal Solar Tax Incentives.

Your neighbors are going solar left and right! What’s the deal?

In an effort to encourage Americans to use solar power, the U.S. government offers tax credits for solar-powered systems. The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a 26 percent tax credit for solar systems on residential and commercial properties. The ITC is one of the most important federal policy mechanisms to support the growth of solar energy in the United States. Since the ITC was enacted in 2006, the U.S. solar industry has grown by more than 10,000% – creating hundreds of thousands of jobs and investing billions of dollars in the U.S. economy in the process.

Why now?

When the ITC first passed, the value of the credit was at 30 percent in 2005, but it fell to 26 percent in 2020. The latest extension of the solar tax credit came last December, and it gives homeowners and businesses up to a 26 percent credit on the net cost of a solar system. The 26 percent credit is in effect for two more years before it drops to 22 percent in 2023 and fades out altogether for homeowners in 2024. The credit for businesses follows a similar path, with the exception being that its credit falls to 10 percent in 2024 and will stay at that number in future years.

Unfortunately many states and power companies didn’t adopt the Net Metering Program right away, giving homeowners a limited amount of time to reap the benefits of residential solar and the ITC in their area. While net metering has been allowed in the state of Florida since 2008, your power company might not have integrated it until fairly recently, which is probably why it’s news to you!

How do I claim the ITC?

The first step of taking advantage of the ITC will be getting solar on your roof! Flo Energy is a local solar dealer in the Tampa Bay Area, and works alongside Element Renewables Group to manage and install your solar project from start to finish. Going solar used to be a big project for homeowners to take on. Most people don’t have the time or resources readily available to retrieve panels, pull permits, find contractors certified install their solar system, and get their system turned on, all on their own. We want you to take advantage of the ITC before time runs out! Flo makes it possible for you to choose to go solar in a simple Energy Consultation, while we do all the dirty work to get the glass on your roof and start saving you money.

For more information on how the ITC can apply to you, check out these resources:

PDF Download – U.S. Department of EnergyHomeowner’s Guide to Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics

Article – U.S. Department of EnergyHomeowner’s Guide to Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics

Article – Duke Energy How to Calculate the New Federal Solar Tax Credit in 2021

Solar Panel Costs: Is It Worth It?

Thinking about taking the solar plunge but wondering about the price tag? When it comes to transitioning to renewable energy, one of the most common items homeowners grapple with is solar panel costs and if the investment is worth it.  We get it; diving into the world of solar panels can be a bit confusing […]

Solar Panels 101: Understanding the Basics and Benefits

Solar energy is quickly becoming one of the most discussed topics in the realm of sustainable living, and for good reason. With the increased demand for renewable energy, many homeowners and businesses are turning their attention to solar panels. If you’re new to the world of solar energy, this guide will help you understand the […]

Solar Panel Maintenance: Tips and Tricks for Florida Homeowners

Sun-drenched beaches, palm trees swaying in the breeze, and year-round warmth. While this sunny disposition makes Florida a popular tourist destination, it also makes it a hotspot (literally) for solar energy. If you’re a proud homeowner with solar panels, solar panel maintenance should be a top priority. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure […]

Affordable Solar Panel Payment Options for your Shift to Solar

The sun rises every day, offering a plethora of energy just waiting to be harnessed. Solar panels provide an opportunity to tap into this immense power and convert it into electricity for our homes. However, one of the major deterrents for many homeowners considering solar panels is the initial cost. The Flo Energy team understands […]

Is Florida’s Weather Too Extreme for Solar Panels?

Solar energy has gained tremendous popularity as a clean and sustainable source of power. With its abundant sunshine, Florida seems like an ideal location for harnessing solar energy. However, some concerns have been raised regarding the state’s weather conditions. So let’s discuss it! We’re diving deep into whether Florida’s weather is too extreme for solar […]

From Sunlight to Savings: Why Your Community Should Go Solar

As a sustainable and renewable source of power, solar energy presents an opportunity to transform your community’s energy landscape while contributing to a cleaner and brighter future. Today we’d love to explore the advantages of going solar and highlight how it can benefit your community in the short term, as well as for generations to […]

Why Flo Energy Tops the Solar Game in Florida

If you’ve been contemplating your switch to clean, renewable power, we’re here to help. We are Flo Energy, an award-winning solar company headquartered in Florida, that’s been racking up 5-star reviews and installing high-quality solar panels throughout the Greater Tampa Bay area.   What sets Flo Energy apart from the competition?  Aside from being named […]

Embracing Solar Energy in Florida

Are you a new or current homeowner in the Sunshine State? Welcome! Our team at Flo Energy is thrilled to share the opportunities that solar panel installation is bringing to Florida homeowners and those on their homebuying journey. From smart solar savings, to energy independence, and increased property value, the benefits of solar power are […]

Solar Power Installation – Navigating State Legislation, Regulatory Decisions, and Implementation Policies

The solar industry continues to flourish –growing more than 10,000% over the past ten years, according to Forbes– but navigating the complex legislation and policies still remains daunting for many customers who are interested in solar power installation. At Flo Energy, we aim to fully educate our customers to ensure they understand the key differences […]

So you set an Energy Consultation with Flo, What Now?

Congrats! You’ve taken the first step to go green, and not only that, you’re going to save money doing it! So you’ve set an appointment for an Energy Consultation with Flo Energy, what now? A Solar Energy Consultation generally takes 30 minutes to an hour. To make that time productive, it’s important for us to […]

Pros & Cons: Buying vs Leasing

You know you want to go solar, but aren’t sure if you should lease, finance through a loan, or pay for it outright. Well, there’s no “right” answer to this. The fact of the matter is, there are ways for almost anyone to reap the benefits of going solar, and each option depends on your […]

What You Need to Know About Federal Solar Tax Incentives.

Your neighbors are going solar left and right! What’s the deal? In an effort to encourage Americans to use solar power, the U.S. government offers tax credits for solar-powered systems. The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is a 26 percent tax credit for solar systems on residential and commercial properties. The ITC is one of […]